- Aroma Inhaler Nausea Blend
- Spearmint Oil - 4 drops
- Ginger Oil - 2 drops
- Cardamom Oil - 2 drops
- Lavender Oil - 2 drops
- Blank Inhaler
Mix all the essentialoils to the cotton wick and place into an inhaler and assemble inhaler.
Readon more about the Best Essential Oils for Indigestion & Nausea
- Anti-Nausea Diffuser Blend
- Cardamom Oil - 3 drops
- Ginger Oil - 2 drops
- Grapefruit Oil - 2 drops
- Fennel Oil - 1 drop
Add all theingredients into your diffuser with recommended water.
- Simple DIY Ginger Blend for Nausea
- Jojoba Oil - 1 tsp
- Ginger Essential Oil - 2 drops
Mix jojoba oil to thepalm of hand, add drops of ginger essentialoil to jojoba oil, then rub hands together and massage nausea blend ontobelly and chest.
DIY Upset StomachRoller Blend Recipe
This refreshing blendof essential oils will make you feel invigorated, alert and ready for anything.
With its powerful ginger scent it's the perfect pick me up!
You Need :
- Ginger Oil - 2 drops
- Cardamom Oil - 2 drops
- Spearmint Oil - 1 drop
- Peppermint Oil - 1 drop
- Jojoba Oil
- Roller Bottle
To make your ownblended oils, just add some essential oils to a rollerbottle and then fill the rest of it up with jojoba oil. Place on top analuminium ball which you roll between both palms until everything integrates
well together!