Neck pain can have a huge impact on your life, but it doesn't need to hold you back. Recent studies show that some natural remedies may help fight off the symptoms of neck problems and allow people with these conditions more freedom in their daily lives!
Essential oils have been used as a natural remedy to treat neck pain for centuries. The right kind of essential oil will help you heal from your ailments anduka, but there are many different kinds out on the market today- which one should I use? Read below!
How Essential Oils Can Help with Neck Pain
Natural remedies for neck pain are an option that should not be overlooked. Oftentimes, people with chronic or acute lower back problems will suffer from neck traction as well and turn to natural treatments like essential oils in order relieve the discomfort without any negative side effects associated with medication use!
Essential oils can be really helpful for muscle pain relief. They're often used in addition to other soothing methods, like taking a hot bath or getting a massage but there's promising research showing they work well on their own too!
The oils in this study showed particular relief for pain, with some cases even preventing muscle spasms.
The top 7 oils for neck pain relief are listed here, so scroll down and find out which one works best!
Read on more about 5 Beneficial Essential Oils for Massage
7 Essential Oils That Can Help Relieve Neck Pain
The science behind each essential oil determines the effects on your body. However, some specific oils are widely used to help relieve pain and can provide quick relief from neck discomfort - particularly during cold weather!
The natural cooling properties of peppermint oil can provide relief for your sore neck, and the menthol aroma will make you feel like it's cooler out!
Peppermint oil is a natural, refreshing and relaxing essential oil that can be used in various ways to help calm your body. Studies show it has benefits for blood flow as well relieving muscle tension which makes this an excellent choice when you have a sore neck or shoulders from working at the computer all day!
Get the best deals on peppermint essential oils today!
- Ginger Essential Oil
Ginger oil is the new wonder drug that can help reduce your neck pain! It's been proven to have amazing benefits on inflammation and swelling, so if you're suffering from sore muscles due in part or entirely because of an overactive immune system (as happens with people who suffer chronic fatigue),agle-ready right away. The anti-inflammatory properties of ginger oil have been shown to significantly reduce chronic joint pain.
- Lavender Essential Oil
If you are feeling a little stressed out and need to take some time for yourself, then lavender is the perfect oil. Not only will it help calm your mind but also relax those tense muscles! It's been shown that this special kind of Lavender can relieve pain in people with headaches or back aches without making them drowsy which makes using an essential oil all too easy-keeping our homes smelling fresh while we're away.
- Bergamot Essential Oil
Bergamot oil has been used for centuries to help relieve headaches, back pain and other neck problems. A recent study found that it can be an effective alternative treatment option when opioids aren't enough - especially if your patient's neuropathic pain is very severe or they don’t want the side effects associated with medication like confusion and nausea (which often come along with stronger prescription drugs). The study of 2015 found that bergamot oil could be an effective natural alternative for those with neuropathic pain.
- Eucalyptus Essential Oil
This essential oil is commonly used to soothe your soul. Eucalyptus has anti-inflammatory properties that are sometimes taken advantage of by those who suffer from arthritis or an injury, and it's also been shown in clinical trials as being very beneficial for patients with severe pain!
- Juniper Essential Oil
The natural remedy Juniper oil has been proven to relieve pain when applied topically. A recent study determined that its healing properties are due in part, because it reduces muscle tension and improves blood flow through the neck area - helping you wake up without feeling sore after a night's sleep!
- Chamomile Essential Oil
The gentle, natural scent of chamomile is often associated with its calming properties and has been used to ease stress. A recent study showed that when applied topically (in diluted form), this essential oil can relieve stiffness while also relieving pain or muscle tension in targeted areas!